Sci-Fi Art Now Press Coverage

Online Design News Sites

24th October 2010
"Sci-Fi Art Now is a richly illustrated collection of the newest and most exciting talent in Sci-Fi art and illustration."

UK Newspapers and News Sites

Click Lancashire: Marvel man to showcase Lancs best Sci Fi art
28th October 2010

The Preston Sun
27th October 2010

Can John Freeman be stopped
from blogging this great book? No.
27th October 2010

Bosnian Newspapers

"This book reveals some fascinating science fiction art... John Freeman is the author of a collection of the art pieces from very best SF artists called  Sci-Fi Art Now..." (translation courtesy Ivo Milicevic)

Spanish Newspapers

El Periodic d' Andorra, has covered artist Martin Blanco's participation in the book (PDF link).

Artists' Sites

Emma Alvarez
19th October 2010

Nelson Evergreen
27th October 2010

Patrick J. Jones

Kev Levell
1st February 2010
Kev outlines the genesis of his piece for the book

John Malcolm on DeviantART

A web version of this artist's piece for the book

John Picacio plug on Twitter

Other Sites

Existential Ennui: A Quick Plug
11th November 2010, by ILEX editor Nick Jones

"I tend not to plug the books I actually work on on this blog too often, but I'm not above a spot of shilling when I know a book will appeal to my scant few readers..."

One More Thing Before we Go: Sci-Fi Art Now
24th November 2010, by Ernessa T. Carter

"Oh, I want this ground-breaking Sci-Fi Art Now book for my coffee table SO bad. Sadly, I’ve a few more years before it’ll be safe to leave books on my coffee table or even on the bottom two shelves of our book case again, thanks to my toddler. But until then, I’ll just dream of the day when I can display books like these without fear of them getting abused.
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